Hiking (not so) Easy Pass, step by step

EASY PASS – Before we get started, let’s just make one thing clear: There’s nothing “easy” about the hike to Easy Pass. Sure, the clearly-marked sign off Highway 20 is easy to spot. The trailhead, unlike many starting points for hikes, is easily accessible, just a short, paved road from the highway.        After that?Continue reading “Hiking (not so) Easy Pass, step by step”

The story behind ‘the backstory’: Remembering David Virta

The Seattle Times’ Pacific NW magazine in October published my story on a collection of fall hikes. It was a nice, 12-page spread designed by the magazine’s art director, David Miller and edited by Bill Reader, the mag’s editor. “D-Mill” and I worked together at The Times for more than 30 years, Bill and IContinue reading “The story behind ‘the backstory’: Remembering David Virta”


This was a story that was decades in the making. As a young boy, I remember riding in the car over Stevens Pass and my dad pointing out, “you see those collapsed snowsheds over there? An avalanche of snow wiped out a passenger train, and many people lost their lives.” So when Seattle Times FeaturesContinue reading “THE HILLS ARE ALIVE …. WITH HISTORY”

Backpacking equipment 101: What you need for your overnight hike

I certainly don’t consider myself an expert on backpacking equipment. But I’ve hiked enough, and accummulated enough gear over the years to know what’s needed. I used an anecdote from a group hike with Jeff Whidden and other friends in the lead of the story. He/she will remain nameless. Would never want to embarrass him/her.Continue reading “Backpacking equipment 101: What you need for your overnight hike”

Hiking Oyster Dome …. and looking down on those sleeping oysters

When I was a young boy, our family would occasionally make our way up Chuckanaut Drive after church to have Sunday dinner at the Oyster Bar. The Oyster Bar back then wasn’t anything like today version, which is gourmet and pricey, a restaurant you’d go to celebrate a special occasion, like your wedding anniversary. TheContinue reading “Hiking Oyster Dome …. and looking down on those sleeping oysters”

It’s your turn, Isaac. Run with it!

My third hike to spectacular Spider Meadow in the central Cascades, which turned out to be a passing of the baton to my grandson, Isaac Richardson It was supposed to be a story about backpacking in the era of COVID-19. At least that’s how I originally pitched it to an editor at The Seattle TimesContinue reading “It’s your turn, Isaac. Run with it!”